I usually have a rough draft written out some days before Sunday so I don't have to sit on it too long before it gets typed and published on here but today I was not prepared because I had a feeling I would find my muse on this very day. One Sunday out of the month a few of the church ladies and I meet for what we call "tea time". A time to come together, read about the women God made us to be and put our raw emotions out on the table. Today we discussed our many blessings because we don't really concentrate on how blessed we truly are when we have other issues hanging over our heads do we? One of the few I mentioned was my self control and how even when being bashed because of the choices I have made to get to where I am today, I stood my ground and I pride myself on that. I had been laughed at when I decided I would be abstinent, when I did not want to drink anymore, when I didn't want to go clubbing anymore and of course when I decided I would date myself like I have mentioned in the past posts but with these ladies it never surprises me to find the comfort I need. My inspiration came a lot from one of these special ladies and I cannot express enough gratitude for what she has shown me. The amount of support and love from these women is exactly how all women should be with one another. They build you up instead of tearing you down. They spark a fire in one another because God uses them to be a light in the world. We are abundantly blessed to have each other and I only wish to one day return the favor to each one of them.
I am abundantly blessed to have woken up this morning, to breathe the air I breathe, to have a car to drive to tea time, to sit and drink a cup of coffee in a warming home, to have friends that hug me tight enough, to have clothes on my back, to be able to read, laugh and cry, to be able to witness my beautiful sister in Christ find her perfect wedding gown, to cry tears of joy because she is in love and happy.
I am abundantly blessed because I have all this and more and God loves me because I am his.