Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Black Sheep

So I decided I'd touch base again today about the subject of marriage and children because I found out on Friday that my youngest sister is expecting. We don't know how far along she is just yet but there we have it, I will be an aunt for the third time. The middle sister has been married since she was 18 years old and already has two beautiful kids of her own and the youngest sister just got married in September, she is now 21 years old and pregnant. As I told my friends about the news I wondered if people would start to think something was wrong with me. Many things went through my mind but that was one of my concerns and I am aware I shouldn't care what people think but we all know we care a little. I saw the struggles my mother and aunts went through to raise a family, I see how exhausting my sisters life is going to school full time, being a wife and a mother and now the youngest living in an efficiency with her husband and struggling to make ends meet. It worries the shit out of me to say the least. There is many reasons why I said I didn't want kids of my own and two main reasons why is money and time. I want to travel the world and be in a better economical state to even consider it. The thought of bringing a child into a unstable world terrifies me. I am not here to bash anyone but these are obvious concerns. Travel, go back to school, buy a house, find someone worth it all, this is what I want first. I turn 27 next month and I can't help but think where my life is going. Where do I even start to reach these goals? Do I really want to work in insurance forever? What should I go major in if I do go back to school? Ugh. So many questions! We all eventually find our paths. Patience is everything.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The First To Break My Heart

The Broken One

One of two that broke my heart ended over a year and a half ago. I met him through POF after bombarding me with messages because I wouldn't give him the time of day since his English was broken. The more I ignored him the more he chased me, funny how that works. He was fragile knowing his mother was in a terrible state with her cancer and in showing me this side to him I was surely falling after some time. I wanted to be there for him even if it meant I had to put my guard down. His story moved me in a way I couldn't bare but cry. I tried to be strong but in showing my weakness, he pushed away. We dated for a bit prior to this and I could tell you I had never felt like this about anyone. He had passion in his eyes and like many Cuban men, he knew exactly what to say... I learned about this the hard way. I used to sit and listen to his stories from when he grew up in Cuba and the struggles he used to have. I found myself listening more than talking, maybe I was scared of showing him my fragile sides or maybe it was just something about his voice that kept me mesmerized. When he pushed me away we didn't speak for a couple of weeks but on the morning of my 25th birthday something happened. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the shower doing my daily prayer, thanking God for another day of life when I hear a little voice in my head tell me to contact him... Now you may or may not think I am crazy but back then I used to attend a book club once a week with my church ladies and we'd pray for him and his mother for months, so when I say I heard a voice I definitely took it as a sign. At first I didn't want to listen, I told myself I wouldn't be the one to go looking for him after everything that had happened but in that instant I heard it again. The little voice telling me to quit being so stubborn and to ask him how his mother was doing. I got out of the shower annoyed at the thought, grabbed my phone and texted him in Spanish "I don't mean to bother you but I wanted to know how your mother was doing". I felt a bit more relaxed and thought to myself that even if he doesn't write back at least he knows I still care. I went on with my day and to my surprise he texted me back. He wrote "My mother passed away yesterday. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and I am sorry for what I have done to you. Please know you did nothing wrong and I hope you can forgive me". How was I not going to believe that this was God talking to me this morning in the shower? I quickly responded back expressing how sorry I was about his loss, that I know she is in a better place now and if he needed a friend to talk to he knew where to find me. The timing could not be worse seeing as it was my birthday weekend and the next day I would be leaving on a cruise.
It was not hard to keep my mind occupied in the meantime but the minute we got off at the Florida Keys I turned my phone on to find 2 unread messages from him that very next day. The first one read "I need to talk to you!" and the second "Why are you ignoring me now?". All I responded back to him was "I am on a cruise." and he responded with "Please call me when you get back, we need to talk". The weekend went by and it was back to reality on Monday. We talked a lot the next couple of weeks, he'd come over and just cry. He'd fall asleep in my arms after hours of expressing himself.  It was like this for some time but I was okay with being that shoulder to cry on. After he started to feel better I suppose, he picked up his pieces and started to push me away again. The way this story ended was when he asked me to go over his house but didn't answer his door when I'd knock, wouldn't answer my calls or text messages. I felt like an idiot sitting out there asking myself where I went wrong again, why he had this power over me. I was better than this! I cried. We didn't see each other again after this. Miami being as small as it is, we happened to be in the same location on this very New Years Eve going into 2015. I saw him and froze. "Should I be mad or happy to see him?" I asked myself. It had been so long that anger wasn't in my heart anymore, I was over him. He saw me and approached me, he asked me how I was doing and wished me a Happy New Year. His eyes looked tired, he seemed empty. I knew I had learned from this man and I had to be grateful for the experience. Just like I have mentioned before 'Everything happens for a reason' and I am grateful that nothing more serious had become of us to hurt me more.
-How many times have you fallen for sweet nothings?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My First Dip Into Online Dating...

The Not So Great Singer & The Liar


Living in Miami and dating is a job on its own. I am sure with all the
stories my friends and I have, we can have our own radio show. No lie.
From smelling my hair to singing NSYNC and Britney Spears to me was one
of the very first dates I had from a guy on POF ( "Don't go yet! Let
me finish the song!" He said. I stood there wondering where the cameras were
assuming this must have been a joke. Nope. He was serious. Ha!
How much weirder could the night have gotten? Obviously I did not continue
talking to that one. NEXT !
An experience that left a minor scar was one to involve one of my
good friends. From the very beginning of getting to know these guys online
we obviously ask a lot of questions. One of the many questions after getting to know
them a little better and finally meeting is "How many people are you currently
talking to?" I only ask this question when I am interested of course.
Honesty is key people! He told me I was the only one he was talking to while I was
truthful and told him I was talking to 2 other guys at the time. After dating for about a month
or so I put up a picture on Facebook and my friend called me right away. "Steph!
are you with this guy right now?!" she asked. I said "Yes, what's going on?". She went
on to tell me she was dating the same guy. "Leave and call me back ASAP!" she told me.
The truth always comes out sooner or later. Obviously the fact that we were friends was the
honest mistake but the fact that he lied to us both was the issue at hand. When I mentioned
her name to him his face turned white and he didn't say a word. I walked out and he
didn't go after me. The calls began after my friend left him a voice message to forget about
us both. Thankfully I had a flight to catch the next day so I would have a nice distraction visiting
my cousin in Boston. When I got back he asked to see me and of course my nice
side allowed him to explain himself. He asked for my forgiveness and asked me for another
chance. The jerk tells me that I am the safest choice between me and my friend. I looked at him and laughed. Now is when he decides to be blunt?! I don't want to be anyone's safe choice! Seriously?! No one wants to be that person. I'll finish this post stating that I have always been a strong believer in "Everything happens for a reason" and there is always these little moments that I realize someone is definitely looking out for me because it could've been much more serious. 
-How honest are you when it comes to dating/getting to know someone?
I will continue to share dating stories next week!